Hailing from the city of Hisar in Haryana, Meena has an exceptional academic record. She has done her BSc and BEd from the prestigious RIE Bhubaneswar with a distinction, MSc Botany from Goa University with a distinction and PGDCA from Kalinga University Bhubaneswar with another distinction. She also holds various professional exam certificates like CTET, HTET, AWES etc. and has gained several certifications in career counselling including Green Belt Certification in Global Career Counselling offered by University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension.
Meena has been working as a biology teacher with premium International Residential schools as well as Government Schools where she observed that each student of different social and financial backgrounds needs individual career counselling and guidance specific to their career needs.
Meena has always been a good listener both personally and professionally. She is an expert at assessing students’ aptitude, personality, interests, and other aspects of their lives.
Ms Devi aims to be an easily accessible career counsellor who will be working towards making each and every student who approaches to choose right career by clarifying their career goals, helping them understand their career options and letting them know their strength and weakness thereby helping them with the skills they require to enter a particular stream or profession with right strategies and support. She has taken up an initiative of providing free guidance and counselling to 10 deserving, bright candidates belonging to weaker section of society every month.